Best of Prompts Engineering


Best of prompts engineering frameworks for better AI results



1. Role: Specify role
2. Action: Mention action needed
3. Context: Provide background information
4. Explanation: Describe your outcome


1. Context: Give background information
2. Action: Mention action needed
3. Result: Mention your goal
4. Example: Give some example outputs


1. Action: Define the job to be done
2. Purpose: Mention your goal
3. Execution: Describe the outcome you want


1. Character: Give a role
2. Request: Define the job to be done
3. Examples: Give some example outputs
4. Adjustment: Provide betterment instructions
5. Type of output: Specify output format
6. Extras: Add more context


1. Task: Define task
2. Action: Define the job to be done
3. Goal: Explain end goal


1. Context: Give background information
2. Request: Define the job to be done
3. Explanation: Explain the task
4. Outcome: Describe the outcome


1. Role: Mention role
2. Input: Give context and instructions
3. Steps: Ask for stepwise output
4. Execution: Describe the outcome


1. Problem: Describe problem
2. Action: Mention the job to be done
3. Information: Ask for details
4. Next Steps: Ask for resources


1. Context: Give background information
2. Objective: Mention your goal
3. Actions: Explain all actions needed
4. Scenario: Mention your problem
5. Task: Mention job to be done


1. Role: Mention role
2. Objective: Mention the result you need
3. Scenario: Give background information
4. Expected solution: Describe the outcome
5. Steps: Ask for steps for the outcome


Credit:Shushant Lakhyani

