Money and banking

Ensure Financial Stability: Protecting Your Small Business’s Future

By Julia Mitchell – The business landscape is as dynamic as it is ruthless, particularly for small businesses. Ensuring financial stability is not a luxury but a necessity. A solid financial safety net acts as a buffer against unforeseen business challenges. This article delineates eight indispensable steps to construct a formidable financial bulwark, ensuring […]

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Financial freedom pics from pexels

Financial Knowledge Is Key to Small Business Success

By Julia Mitchell – Small business owners have a lot on their plate, from managing employees to providing excellent customer service. Amongst all these responsibilities, managing the finances is a critical aspect that cannot be ignored. Understanding basic accounting and finance principles, reducing debt, investing in accounting software, and working with an accountant can

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QE, QT, money supply, interest rate, inflation… how do they all relate?

QE (quantitative easing), QT (quantitative tightening), money supply, interest rates, and inflation are all interrelated concepts in the field of macroeconomics. QE and QT refer to the actions taken by central banks to increase or decrease the money supply in an economy. When a central bank engages in QE, it purchases government bonds or other

QE, QT, money supply, interest rate, inflation… how do they all relate? Read More »