Free resources, tutorials and comprehensive courses to help acquire or review the essentials of economics.

AI tools to helping to learn and understand topics in:

  • Macroeconomics: Understanding macroeconomics is crucial as it deals with large-scale economic factors such as national income, inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. Topics within macroeconomics include fiscal policy, monetary policy, aggregate demand and supply, and the business cycle.
  • Microeconomics: Microeconomics focuses on the behavior of individual agents such as consumers, firms, and industries. Key topics include supply and demand, market structures (perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly), pricing mechanisms, and consumer choice theory.
  • International Trade and Globalization: Explore the principles of international trade, including comparative advantage, tariffs, trade agreements, and the impact of globalization on economies worldwide. Understanding international trade dynamics is essential in today’s interconnected world.
  • Development Economics: Development economics examines the economic, social, and political factors influencing the development of countries and regions. Topics include poverty, inequality, sustainable development, foreign aid, and economic policies aimed at promoting growth and reducing poverty.
  • Financial Markets and Institutions: Gain insight into financial markets and institutions, including stocks, bonds, derivatives, central banking, monetary policy tools, and financial intermediation. Understanding the functions and mechanisms of financial markets is essential for comprehending the broader economic landscape.
  • Labor Economics: Explore topics related to the labor market, including labor supply and demand, wage determination, unemployment, human capital, and labor market policies. Understanding labor economics sheds light on employment trends, income inequality, and workforce dynamics.
  • Environmental Economics: Environmental economics examines the intersection of economic activity and environmental sustainability. Topics include externalities, pollution, natural resource management, climate change economics, and policies to promote environmental conservation. Understanding environmental economics is crucial for addressing environmental challenges while maintaining economic growth and societal well-being.
  • Behavioral Economics: Behavioral economics integrates insights from psychology into economic analysis to understand how individuals make decisions. Topics include biases, heuristics, prospect theory, and the implications for consumer behavior, financial markets, and public policy.
  • Economic History: Studying economic history provides context for understanding current economic trends and phenomena. Explore key historical events, economic systems, technological advancements, and their impact on economic development over time.
  • Public Finance: Public finance focuses on the role of government in the economy, including taxation, public spending, public goods, fiscal policy, and government intervention to address market failures.
  • Finance: Finance encompasses topics such as investment analysis, portfolio management, risk management, corporate finance, and financial modeling. Understanding finance is essential for individuals and businesses to make informed investment and financing decisions.
  • Economic Theories: Explore various economic theories, including classical economics, neoclassical economics, Keynesian economics, monetarism, and supply-side economics. Understanding economic theories provides insight into different perspectives on economic phenomena and policy implications.
  • Money and Banking: Money and banking cover topics such as the functions of money, monetary policy, central banking, commercial banking, money creation, and the role of financial institutions in the economy. Understanding money and banking is crucial for comprehending the mechanisms of monetary policy and the functioning of the financial system.